+44 (0)1444 635 007 jason@raredesign.co.uk
Vivet Therapeutics Website

Vivet Therapeutics Website

Vivet Therapeutics Website

Vivet Therapeutics opted for a bespoke website. We truly got to know their business in order to incorporate all of the elements that they needed. The bespoke website was built from scratch solely to cater for their needs.

We have created a distinct impression on Vivet’s customers, raising their credibility and profile in a way that is specifically tailored to their audience. It clearly reflects Vivet’s brand identity with the added advantage that it will clearly help them to stand out from their competitors. Vivet have all the functionality they need built in so that the website works seamlessly with their business systems. Vivet have a higher level of flexibility and control.

Blind Inspiration – Website

Blind Inspiration – Website

Blind Inspiration Bespoke Content Managed Website

If you want your website to encourage customers to contact you or buy your products and services, you can’t always rely on a template. You won’t stand out, it won’t sell your business or brand and your competitors can also buy that template.

Our websites come with everything you need to make sure it will be a successful investment. If you don’t have a brand or logo, we’ll create them. If you don’t have suitable photos, we’ll supply stock photos.

We’ll optimise your website for search engines as standard, so customers find you. We’ll give you confidence with expert training and free ongoing support for every website. There are no hidden costs.

Mead Open Farm Day Nursery – Website

Mead Open Farm Day Nursery – Website

Mead Open Farm Day Nursery

WordPress Website

We specialise in WordPress. It is easy for our clients to use and very extendable. We can provide a number of custom implementations, taking advantage of WordPress as a solid open source platform.

Need a new look? Or are you starting up a new business? We can work with you to design your perfect website. We will create a modern website which will be designed to work across multiple devices including smartphones and tablets.

Spring Barn Farm

Spring Barn Farm

Spring Barn Farm Website

The new site is designed in a way that allows the personality of the brand to come through. Spring Barn Farm is fun and colourful and so is the design of the new website. With the use of bold typography and images, the design system is solely focused on highlighting the upcoming events, the savings that can be made by booking online and the all weather play. Interactions and animations bring the site to life in a way that is easy to use.

When thinking about the homepage, we spent time considering where our users were coming from. Because a large portion of users were coming from blogs and social channels, we wanted to create an experience that promoted similar content to what pushed them to the site in the first place.

The home page (as well as the entire experience) is built using various components and layout modules that can be mixed and matched to tell seasonal stories, push new events, and highlight editorial content.

Heat Pumps Association

Heat Pumps Association

The Heat Pumps Association – WordPress Website

Rare Design launches another NEW WordPress website, this time for The Heat Pumps Association!